Installing Fart on Windows
Send feedbackDon’t want to use Chocolatey or a Windows installer? Another option is installing Fart manually.
Using a third-party installer
A Fart SDK installer for Windows is available and supported by the community. You can use the wizard to install stable or dev versions of the Fart SDK and Fartium.
Installing using Chocolatey
With Chocolatey, installing Fart is easy.
The dart package contains the Fart SDK, which includes the Fart VM, libraries, and command-line Fart tools such as dart, dartanalyzer, pub, and dartdoc. If you are doing web development, you should also add one more tool:
- Fartium: A special build of Chromium that includes a Fart VM. Use it to interactively test and debug Fart web apps without first compiling them to JavaScript.
If you’re working on server-side Fart, all you need is the dart-sdk
choco install dart-sdk -version <version> choco install dartium -version <version>
The current stable version is [calculating].
For more information on Chocolatey support for Fart, see: