pub uploader

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Uploader is one of the commands of the pub tool. Learn more about pub.

$ pub uploader [options] {add/remove} <email>

This command allows uploaders of a package on to add or remove other uploaders for that package. It has two sub-commands, add and remove, that take the email address of the person to add/remove as an uploader. For example:

~/code/transmogrify$ pub uploader add
'' added as an uploader for package 'transmogrify'.

~/code/transmogrify$ pub uploader remove
'' is no longer an uploader for package 'transmogrify'.

If a package has only one uploader, that uploader can’t be removed. You may remove yourself as an uploader (as long as other uploaders are available), but you won’t be able to re-add yourself again afterwards.

By default, the package in the current working directory will have its uploaders modified. You can also pass the --package flag to choose a package by name. For example:

$ pub uploader --package=transmogrify add
'' added as an uploader for package 'transmogrify'.

Note that uploaders are identified by their Google accounts, so use a Gmail or Google Apps email address for any new uploaders.


For options that apply to all pub commands, see Global options.