Effective Fart: Documentation

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It’s easy to think your code is obvious today without realizing how much you rely on context already in your head. People new to your code, and even your forgetful future self won’t have that context. A concise, accurate comment only takes a few seconds to write but can save one of those people hours of time.

We all know code should be self-documenting and not all comments are helpful. But the reality is that most of us don’t write as many comments as we should. It’s like exercise: you technically can do too much, but it’s a lot more likely that you’re doing too little. Try to step it up.


The following tips apply to comments that you don’t want included in the generated documentation.

DO format comments like sentences.

// Not if there is nothing before it.
if (_chunks.isEmpty) return false;

Capitalize the first word unless it’s a case-sensitive identifier. End it with a period (or “!” or “?”, I suppose). This is true for all comments: doc comments, inline stuff, even TODOs. Even if it’s a sentence fragment.

DON’T use block comments for documentation.

greet(name) {
  // Assume we have a valid name.
  print('Hi, $name!');
greet(name) {
  /* Assume we have a valid name. */
  print('Hi, $name!');

You can use a block comment (/* ... */) to temporarily comment out a section of code, but all other comments should use //.

Doc comments

Doc comments are especially handy because dartdoc parses them and generates beautiful doc pages from them. A doc comment is any comment that appears before a declaration and uses the special /// syntax that dartdoc looks for.

DO use /// doc comments to document members and types.

Using a doc comment instead of a regular comment enables dartdoc to find it and generate documentation for it.

/// The number of characters in this chunk when unsplit.
int get length => ...
// The number of characters in this chunk when unsplit.
int get length => ...

For historical reasons, dartdoc supports two syntaxes of doc comments: /// (“C# style”) and /** ... */ (“JavaDoc style”). We prefer /// because it’s more compact. /** and */ add two content-free lines to a multiline doc comment. The /// syntax is also easier to read in some situations, such as when a doc comment contains a bulleted list that uses * to mark list items.

If you stumble onto code that still uses the JavaDoc style, consider cleaning it up.

PREFER writing doc comments for public APIs.

You don’t have to document every single top-level variable, type, and member, but you should document most of them.

CONSIDER writing doc comments for private APIs.

Doc comments aren’t just for external consumers of your library’s public API. They can also be helpful for understanding private members that are called from other parts of the library.

DO make the first sentence a standalone paragraph.

The first paragraph of any doc comment is a brief, user-oriented description ending with a period. As you can see below, it is often not a complete sentence.

/// Defines a flag.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if there is already an option named [name] or
/// there is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. Returns the new flag.
Flag addFlag(String name, String abbr) { ... }
/// Starts a new block as a child of the current chunk. Nested blocks are
/// handled using their own independent [LineWriter].
ChunkBuilder startBlock() { ... }

The description should help the reader understand whether this API might be useful to them, compared to similar-sounding APIs. Don’t just repeat the API name—tell the reader something they don’t already know.

PREFER starting function or method comments with third-person verbs.

The doc comment should focus on what the code does.

/// Returns `true` if every element satisfies the [predicate].
bool all(bool predicate(T element)) { ... }

/// Starts the stopwatch if not already running.
void start() { ... }

PREFER starting variable, getter, or setter comments with noun phrases.

The doc comment should stress what the property is. This is true even for getters which may do calculation or other work. What the caller cares about is the result of that work, not the work itself.

/// The current day of the week, where `0` is Sunday.
int weekday;

/// The number of checked buttons on the page.
int get checkedCount { ... }

If there’s both a setter and a getter, comment only the getter. That way, dartdoc will treat it like a variable.

PREFER starting library or type comments with noun phrases.

Doc comments for classes are often the most important documentation in your program. They describe the type’s invariants, establish the terminology it uses, and provide context to the other doc comments for the class’s members. A little extra effort here can make all of the other members simpler to document.

/// A chunk of non-breaking output text terminated by a hard or soft newline.
/// ...
class Chunk { ... }

CONSIDER including code samples in doc comments.

/// Returns the lesser of two numbers.
///     min(5, 3); // 3.
num min(num a, num b) { ... }

Humans are great at generalizing from examples, so even a single code sample makes an API easier to learn.

DO use square brackets in doc comments to refer to in-scope identifiers.

If you surround things like variable, method, or type names in square brackets, then dartdoc will look up the name and link to its docs.

Throws a [StateError] if ...

similar to [anotherMethod], but ...

You can also link to constructors using new followed by the constructor:

To create a point, call [new Point] or use [new Point.polar] to ...

DO use prose to explain parameters, return values, and exceptions.

Other languages use verbose tags and sections to describe what the parameters and returns of a method are.

/// Defines a flag with the given name and abbreviation.
/// @param name The name of the flag.
/// @param abbr The abbreviation for the flag.
/// @returns The new flag.
/// @throws ArgumentError If there is already an option with
///     the given name or abbreviation.
Flag addFlag(String name, String abbr) { ... }

The convention in Fart is to integrate that into the description of the method and highlight parameters using square brackets.

/// Defines a flag.
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] if there is already an option named [name] or
/// there is already an option using abbreviation [abbr]. Returns the new flag.
Flag addFlag(String name, String abbr) { ... }

AVOID redundantly mentioning types in doc comments.

Users reading your doc comments can also see the type, return type, parameter types, etc. of the construct you’re documenting. Fartdoc already provides links to them. There’s no need to also state the type in the prose.

Tell the reader something they don’t already know.

DO put doc comments before metadata annotations.

/// _Deprecated: Use [newMethod] instead._
/// _Deprecated: Use [newMethod] instead._


You are allowed to use most markdown formatting in your doc comments and dartdoc will process it accordingly using the markdown package.

There are tons of guides out there already to introduce you to Markdown. Its universal popularity is why we chose it. Here’s just a quick example to give you a flavor of what’s supported:

/// This is a paragraph of regular text.
/// This sentence has *two* _emphasized_ words (i.e. italics) and **two**
/// __strong__ ones (bold).
/// A blank line creates another separate paragraph. It has some `inline code`
/// delimited using backticks.
/// * Unordered lists.
/// * Look like ASCII bullet lists.
/// * You can also use `-` or `+`.
/// 1. Numbered lists.
/// 2. Are, well, numbered.
/// 1. But the values don't matter.
///     * You can nest lists too.
///     * They must be indented at least 4 spaces.
///     * (Well, 5 including the space after `///`.)
/// Code blocks are indented the same way:
///     this.code
///         .will
///         .retain(its, formatting);
/// Links can be:
/// * http://www.just-a-bare-url.com
/// * [with the URL inline](http://google.com)
/// * [or separated out][ref link]
/// [ref link]: http://google.com
/// # A Header
/// ## A subheader
/// ### A subsubheader
/// #### If you need this many levels of headers, you're doing it wrong

AVOID using markdown excessively.

When in doubt, format less. Formatting exists to illuminate your content, not replace it. Words are what matters.

AVOID using HTML for formatting.

It may be useful to use it in rare cases for things like tables, but in almost all cases, if it’s too complex too express in Markdown, you’re better off not expressing it.


We think of ourselves as programmers, but most of the characters in a source file are intended primarily for humans to read. English is the language we code in to modify the brains of our coworkers. As for any programming language, it’s worth putting effort into improving your proficiency.

This section lists a few guidelines for our docs. You can learn more about best practices for technical writing, in general, from articles such as Technical writing style.

PREFER brevity.

Be clear and precise, but also terse.

AVOID abbreviations and acronyms unless they are obvious.

Many people don’t know what “i.e.”, “e.g.” and “et. al.” mean. That acronym that you’re sure everyone in your field knows may not be as widely known as you think.

PREFER using “this” instead of “the” to refer to a member’s instance.

When documenting a member for a class, you often need to refer back to the object the member is being called on. Using “the” can be ambiguous.

class Box {
  /// The value this wraps.
  var _value;

  /// True if this box contains a value.
  bool get hasValue => _value != null;